On February the 10th of 2011, Gtk+3 was released. It so happens that I begun learning GUI programming at approximately the same time, using Python as a programming language.
By the time I got the hang of PyGtk, I discovered it would soon become deprecated, along with Gtk+2. To work with Gtk+3 however, I'd have to move to PyGobject Introspection aka PyGI.
To my complete frustration however, there is little documentation on PyGI, most of the documentation is written for C, with the exception of a handful of examples.
What is left is to look at and try working with PyGI to see what can be done. Personally, I am excited by the improved styling features and want to know how to make completely styled applications.
For myself, to share with any other who would like to learn along and to invite any advanced programmer to share knowhow, I decide a blog would be an appropriate format to document PyGI information.
So if you feel interested, feel free to follow or participate in its making! :)